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Question: Hey Marvin, I have a law question for you. There’s a law in MA that allows pharmacists to prescribe emergency contraception. Can you help me figure out when it passed? It’s for an article I’m writing for a website. I think it was 2005 but I’m not 100% sure. Thanks! 

Answer: First, be careful with the difference between the words dispense and prescribe. A pharmacist may dispense, not prescribe, emergency contraception pursuant M.G.L. Chapter 94C, Section 19A.  This law was passed in 2005.  But, the law only provides the framework. The law delegates the duty and power to make regulations concerning the specifics and implementation of the law to department of public health, board of registration in medicine, and board of registration in pharmacy. The most relevant regulation is “Policy No. 2006-1? of the Board of Registration in Pharmacy.

To answer the question about when it came into effect see the first document below. Also, provided below are a couple other documents that may be helpful. The first document should clear most things up, though.