As far as advice from lawyers goes, one of the most often given, and most true is: when dealing with police, keep your mouth shut. Do not talk to the police without a lawyer present. Only provide the police with your identifying information.
Even if you are 100% innocent it is not worth it. Even if you think you can outsmart the police, and even if you do, there may be horrible unforeseen consequences. Even if you think cooperating with the police shows good faith, which it does, you might shoot yourself in the foot.
Bottom Line, and this is not said lightly, when confronted by law enforcement, do not answer questions without an attorney present. Only answer the questions that are necessary, e.g., for your name, date of birth. Do not answer questions about a potential case, pending case, or past case.
There are very real reasons as to why you should not say anything. Below is a video from a law professor and former detective who explains these reasons.