OUI Defense Attorney for Palmer District Court
Arrested for Operating Under the Influence in Brimfield, East Longmeadow, Hampden, Holland, Ludlow, Monson, Palmer, Wales, and Wilbraham?
Dealing with OUI/DUI (drunk driving) charges can be a nightmare. Not only is there a loss of time and money, the process can prove very stressful and frustrating. This Office specializes in OUI charges, and will help those accused of OUI charges through out the whole process. There are many rights and options that exist, and this office is here help.
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Next Steps After an OUI Arrest
No one OUI/DUI case is the same. But, generally speaking, there are a few common tips. Generally speaking it is not a good idea to agree to take any of the sobriety tests as requested by police officers. Refuse breathalyzer tests and any other test. Request to speak to an attorney as many times as needed. Call us right away – 413-268-6500. We will be there 24/7 for your call.
Loss of Driver’s License
There are serious ramifications of OUI charges and convictions upon the ability for one to drive. One of the most important aspects of an OUI defense is driver’s licenses. This is one of the main reasons people choose to hire an attorney, rather than representing oneself.
Palmer District Court Information
If you were arrested in the towns of Brimfield, East Longmeadow, Hampden, Holland, Ludlow, Monson, Palmer, Wales, and Wilbraham, your case will likely take place at Palmer’s Court house: 235 Sykes St., Suite 3, Palmer, MA 01069.
We have handled many cases there, and are familiar with this court system.